Monday, August 26, 2019

Farewell Summer 2019

 Today is the last day of our "summer break". We don't really take much of a break because learning is so much a part of our lives. We do, however, have a break from our Commonwealth. So we consider the Commonwealth school year to be our official school year. So I figured I would share a bit of what we did this summer.

May came first:
sprinkler and the slide
Always reading
Corey and Sammy have fallen in love with Dinosaurs and dino books!
One of the first steps to learning to read is to play at reading.
Corey in the tree. Lexi is holding him up for now.

 But he'll be climbing them on his own in no time.

We had a few school meetings at the park. These boys love to climb!
And swing
The girls get to play too.
Card games at the park.
Shooting sticks.
Throwing rocks into the creek. These two love to throw rocks.

Johnny loves to run the trail at this park.
More reading.

Someone stole my phone at church and took pictures during singing time.
We made a track for dad's R.C. car. This may be why so many of my books end up broken.
The insect whisperer caught a dragonfly. Or Damselfly. I'll have to ask Lexi what the difference is.
I love that my kids get hands on experiences with nature.
It fascinates them. They were watching ants. Oh to see the world through a child's eyes!

June Came Next:

Boys and scissors leads to new hair cuts.

Krispy Kreme for doughnut day.

Watching TV

They turned 3! We went to the grocery store and a man gave them both a dollar. They bought themselves doughnuts.

Saw somewhere that shaving cream helps remove "boy smell" from bathrooms. So we sprayed it everywhere and the boys scrubbed away. Not sure if the shaving cream itself helped, or if it just meant they didn't miss spots.

Buddy feeling patriotic.

Park party for the twins' birthday.

Almost all of the kids listed playing with Dad's R.C. cars as one of their favorite things to play as a family. So they get to play more often now.

Syndi made the twins a cake each and one for the family. All the red was removable because she love me. She made a peanut butter cake with nutella frosting because my boys are peanut butter obsessed and she loves them too.

Their puzzles

Museum on post.

Back of the Army truck.

Buddy decided to finish my salad for me. I caught him.
Then there was July:
Found a skink and her eggs.

William got bit by a spider and had an ER visit and got antibiotics.

The Twins weren't listening at church so they got buckled into a friend's stroller.

The gear on the RC car caught Joseph's finger and chewed it up pretty badly.

Setting up their binders (paper and writing utensils)

Climbing trees and ropes

He is getting better at staying in the yard when he isn't tied up.

We dressed up for pioneer day dinner. Dressing up for events was another of our top fun things to do as a family.

We decided to dig a pond for the turtle to live outdoors.

Proof that Buddy helped

The boys love helping too.

When they come down from the trees.

Collecting cicada shells.

Swim lessons for the older boys.

We painted story stones.

Our annual circle picture.

Frogs in the pool

William made himself a quiver.

Joey had a birthday too.

More park fun.

Playing in dad's ruck sack.

Cow appreciation day is one of our favorite days!

The twins spent their birthday money mostly on dinosaurs.

Numb from the dentist. I had two teeth extracted. So much more work to do, after 7 years of not seeing a dentist.

Shooting and s'mores with friends.

Piewhacket our cat comes in wanting loves.

The boys watched the Wiggles for the first time. I made them dance along.

Our turtle balancing a rock on his nose. Unfortunately he left the pond we tried making for him.

Listening to music with dad.

 And finally, August:

William's ear getting better.

Our pond held water for about a day. Too rocky- ripped the liner.

William requested a cake from Syndi.

We had friends visit for a week or so. We did so much while they were here. Splash park, back to school event, museum, library, beach, and lots of hanging out. It was the best!

And then we started potty training.

William made himself a bow.

And that's a wrap. We loved our summer and we are excited for our new school year to start.

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