Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Perfect DONSA Day

Yesterday was a DONSA (day of no scheduled activity) a.k.a. my husband didn't have to work. So, I planned the perfect day for us (for me anyways)- we would finish catching up on housework that we had fallen behind on by doing cleaning races all day. I figured this would be great because it would free up the whole weekend to play.
We got up and  told the girls the plan. I have never seen them so excited to clean. They raced their hearts out and had their room and Nater's room clean before we were even half way done with our room. They earned a movie each and watched while we worked. The next race was putting clothes away (I didn't participate in this one because I was still working on cleaning our bedroom). They got all of their clothes put away before Philip finished with his. They won the puzzle they had been waiting to play with. We had a snack break and a final race. Philip did kitchen, girls did dining room, and I did living room. Philip won- the girls had a rough time finishing, but they did. The whole house was mostly clean and it was only lunch time. Not only did we have the weekend, we had all the rest of the day too to play. I love how motivated my family gets with cleaning competitions. It sure does make cleaning a lot more fun!

So, only half way through our DONSA and we didn't have anything in particular that we needed to do. The girls played. The boy played and napped. We got a package from Grammy. I napped and talked on the phone and played. Philip played with his R/Cs and did some shopping. Eventually we put the kids to bed. Philip grounded me to my room and prepared an at home date for the two of us. I decided to shower and dress up for my date (he had snuck some clothes out of the room and dressed up too). He made me steak, potatoes and sweet corn. We ate until we couldn't any more and talked. Then we spent the evening doing our own things until bed time (I got so many more pictures sorted on my computer- maybe I will be able to finish sometime this year!).

Overall, it was a wonderful and very productive day! I am loving the cleanliness and organization of the house right now and all this free time to enjoy a weekend.

Oh, and while I was all dressed up we snapped a quick shot of the baby belly. I am 25 weeks along (or so) right now.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Year Old (One Week And One Day Late)

After our morning walk
I can not believe The Boy is already a year old! He is growing so quickly and time is flying by.

It seems like every day I am impressed by something new he does.

Walking- Nater has been walking on his own since the day he turned 11 months old. Now he can walk with his elbows by his side (instead of arms out for balance). He can run and walk backwards. He even has less of the baby waddle.

Eating- Johnathon feeds himself and eats a LOT. He often eats as much as I do. He is off of formula and does well with the milk. He drinks primarily from a cuppy, he can also drink from a straw and a regular cup with help. He likes meat and cheese and yogurt, but his favorite is cereal.

Playing- Nater plays well on his own and does well with the girls or the dog. He loves to play with his little people toys and anything that makes noise. Nater likes to "read". Although, he will hardly sit through a book being read to him, he will pick up books and "read" them to himself regularly.

The boy is so happy and playful. He loves to clap and play chase. He typically only gets upset if he is hungry and when he is upset he screams!

We are so happy to have him in our family. He brings so much love and joy to our family. We love having a boy.

Johnny, I hope you had a wonderful first birthday. We love you. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful part of our family!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mandatory Fun

Running around with Daddy.

Look, my belly has become a perfect seat for the boy.

Playing- she hardly took a break to eat, she was having so much fun

Eating lunch
I took him on a walk after playing and eating and he fell asleep, just in time to be transferred to the carseat to head home.
I have mixed feelings about "mandatory fun" days. I totally understand the benefits of building a sense of belonging and community with fellow soldiers at work and their families. I love that families are invited to be a part of their soldier's day and spend that time together. But, in the past, the mandatory fun was more like come and eat and sit around until you are allowed to leave. Not this time. This mandatory fun was FUN! I really felt like I was getting to know others and that most of the people wanted to be there and were having fun. I also liked the fact that Philip told me we got to be the "photographers" for the event and I didn't have to feel limited in the pictures I could take (besides, it is a great conversation starter when you are snapping pictures of people and their kids). Yay for mandatory fun that is actually fun!

One Year Older (And Better Too)

Last year, Nater chose to finally join us at 1:01 a.m. on my birthday. After several days of regular contractions he came quick and easily into our world. It truly felt like he had waited to come to share my special day with me. That birthday- I didn't do much celebrating- I mostly slept and fed my newborn. This year, however, I got to see what it is really like to have this special day be both of our day. I love it! We already try to make the day magical for the kids, and by default, it becomes magical for me.  I get to spend my birthday reflecting on him (and naturally my other kids). I get to evaluate how we have all grown and changed as a family and I find a renewed joy in having everything I always wanted (home, husband, children, best job in the world).
I had actually begun really pondering and evaluating before my birthday.  I had been reading (in this book) about women who played a role in establishing a group in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that I belong to now, known as Relief Society. I loved the way they were presented. I found myself highlighting word after word and sentence after sentence that described these women. I knew that I wanted to be described this way. I wanted to be more like these women. I wanted to be MORE. I tossed these thoughts around in my head for quite some time. I shared them with my husband and posed the questions of how would he be described, how would he WANT to be described, and how would he describe me. I took in all that he said and added it to the mix of thoughts brewing in my mind. I knew that I wanted to be more of some things and less of others. I wanted to be different and I realized that in order to be different I had to focus on BEING different everyday. Being better everyday. Trying harder and doing more. I had a goal that I wanted to reach and I knew that I could do it! As a birthday present to myself I chose to turn my thoughts into something more, something visual and lasting.

I got on Facebook and invited my friends to describe me. I had such great responses that truly touched my heart. I added these thoughts the the goal and idea brewing in my head. Then I got to work. I made a list of what I want to be. I used punch out letters to spell these characteristics out and I attached them to foam board (until I ran out of adhesive- I bought more and can finish the project soon). Then, I will hang this inspiration board where I can see it every day. I will see it and read it and remember this desire to be more. I will try every day to be more. I will add and change as needed and I will some day be what I want to be. Hopefully, I will be remembered in one or more of the ways that are listed on this board. I hope that by being more like the me I want to be, I will find more happiness and satisfaction in the things I do and the choices I make.

Are you who you want to be?