Friday, July 27, 2012

This Boy

I can't get over this boy! I think it is because baby is coming soon and my current baby will become a big brother. I am constantly surprised at what he can do and how much he loves being so big. I miss his baby days, but I am loving his sense of wonder and adventure. Here are some pictures of a day in the life of this boy! (actually it is several different pictures from the whole month)

Cuddling in our blanket.

He loves using straws and big boy cups

He likes when we make smoothies. I like that it gets veggies into my kids.

Almost daily he sits at the table to color in workbooks.

Already a pro at the homeschool routine.

He loves to climb in and out of anything he can.

And now he is so big.
Look how tiny he used to be.

Nater loves to dance with the girls. He puts his arms up and spins.

He always wants his picture taken. He runs to me anytime he sees the camera. I am happy to oblige.

He is beginning to show more interest in activities and structured play.

All of my kids drink the water from the aqua doodle writing utensils.

Painting only what he can reach.

Right before the whole bowl of water got spilled.

Quality Time With Daddy

Playing wii.
I don't know what it is lately (maybe because he deploys soon), but it seems this month that I can't see my husband with the kids and NOT get out the camera. I love how much they love spending time with him. They like to watch and learn about the things he likes to do. He loves them and plays with them in ways I never could. I think dads are one of the greatest things a kid can have. I am so happy that my husband is such a great dad! The kids really love him too!

Wii with Dad.

Sounding good!

All Done!
Loving it!

Watching Nater play
Playing just like Daddy

Lexi likes listening too.

Priceless expression

Playing along with Daddy.

Magnet Explore Bucket

Shiny goodies, baking pans and magnets. Not all shiny things are magnetic.

Metal containers and alphabet letters.

He loved the letters, but loved the containers even more.

Pipe cleaners. They made different crafts with these, but didn't care too much that they were magnetic.

"Mom I can't put Norf (North) with Norf!"

Had these in a plastic bottle, but it didn't work so well. I have paperclips in another baggy.
So, we finished with our red, white and blue tub and decided to use our bucket for some magnet play. The girls are old enough to play and explore with this bucket on their own, but I keep a close eye on the boy whenever he plays with it. I threw these things together from things we had around the house. Some magnets are craft magnets another is a set I found at goodwill (that has North and South marked- which leads to discussion with the girls). This one is very entertaining for the boy (17 months) but not too exciting for the girls (4 and 6). They played with it for only about a half hour and occasionally since the first introduction.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Independence Day

I love Independence day. Mostly because it is the only holiday I justify having specific clothes for. I love dressing the kids in red, white, and blue. This year I wanted to do as much fun things with these colors as possible. I had a lot more planned, but the girls did not get their chores done, so our festivities got cut short. Here is what we did do though.       
We started our morning with layered drinks with colored ice. It was a big hit.

We also had pancakes with blueberries and strawberries inside.

Our red, white and blue sensory bin made from shredded paper and things we had lying around.

Playing with the paper
Making "fireworks"
Building a blue nest

Star hairdo.

Firework ponytail

We did a quick photo shoot. Great shot huh?!

Most of the others looked like this

Painted our nails.

The boy has begun climbing the ladder all the way to the girls' top bed. Such a dare devil!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who Knew?!

 Who knew rice could be so much fun? I decided to dye rice for our sensory bin (as suggested here). I let the girls help me dye the rice. We let it dry and let it be for a couple days. Then one day, Emi was really wanting to bake and I was unable to bake with her. So I got out the rice and some dishes and let her "bake" on her own. She and Nater played for about 40 min. straight with this. They have all played with it on and off for several days since then. I used only a pound of rice and dishes we had around the house already. My favorite part: when Philip came in and saw it he went right to it and spent some time playing with the kids. Totally worth it! 
(sorry about the crooked pictures- blogger won't center them right)
Busy hands!
Taste testing.
Not liking the taste (scooping it out of his mouth)
Daddy playing with the kids.