Monday, October 7, 2013

I Have The Most Gorgeous Family Ever!

We got family pictures done and made a great friend. Anne from Skye Pheonix Photography auctioned off family pictures for the youth at our church to go to camp. We had such a great time meeting with her and getting our pictures done.

Oh, and I love that my husband wore his kilt. It's part of what makes him the best!

So That's What They Are Talking About

I have heard and read several times when people talk about being overwhelmed by all the great things they are doing. I have always been confused by why they would keep doing so much if it wasn't making them happy. Finally I have lived it and understand. Trying to make up for 9 months of Philip being gone led to overbooking our lives for several months. At one point in time, I went 5 weeks without any days just at home. For, a homebody like me, that was torture. It took quite a while after that, but things are finally getting back to order, back to cleanliness, back on schedule, and back to calm. So I can finally do the things I need too. In, the meantime, I hope my family enjoyed the activities. Here are a few of the things we did this summer that wont fall in with other blog posts.
The girls on the new bunkbed enjoying their suckers.

We caught this fella in the house, observed and let him go.
We went to the drive-in to see Monsters University and Despicable 2.

Emily attended summer camps on post. It was so nice to see her confidence grow. She attended pirate camp, science camp, princess camp, and fairy tea party camp. Lexi attended princess camp with her.

Dancing at Princess Camp
"Holding her bubble" (a way to keep the kids quiet)
Dressing up

She is posing so I can try out my new camera.

Lexi has been doing gymnastics. She loves it and it presents a challenge for her. She has learned that she is in control of her body and is learning to make friends without seeming pushy.

Nater was signed up for Monkeynastics. He only participated 1 1/2 classes though. He did much better AFTER we fixed his nap schedule.
 He has become quite the helper and likes hard work.
And watching them when he can't play along.

William has mostly gone along for the ride. He is learning and growing so much. He is definitely not a baby any more, though I refuse to call him my toddler yet.

And Philip and I stayed busy too.