Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Making and Keeping Memories

I love my kids!
I love being home with them and getting to raise them.
I love home school.
I love seeing glimpses of how their minds work.
I love seeing glimpses of how their hearts feel.
I loved the way this played out today.
My girls finally put to good use the costumes I made them for Christmas. Emily paired her sweater and tail with wings and told me she was a dragon. I told her she looked quite ferocious. We then had to look up the meaning of ferocious.
And then, furious. Alexis explained that she had read the word furious in a story and then began to recite the story to me.
I asked, "is it easy for you to memorize books?"
And then I got to listen as the girls discussed memorization. I got to see both how Emily's mind works and her heart feels.

 "...every night in February my memories escape. But I can still rememory my family's names because every night before my amemories escape they travel down all the way down to my heart and can't escape. Yep!"

Here are a few of the amemories from January that I want our hearts to hold on to.

I like taking pictures on Sunday because we are all dressed nicely.

Being goofy with Aunt Mir

Not wanting to do our photo shoot because it was cold out


I think this may be his first time. He loved it!

A friend came to paint with us.

His sister came too, she is such a cutie!
He doesn't like being dirty and had paint on his feet.

Making chicken nuggets

Wetting his pants during his photo shoot.