Friday, January 24, 2014

A Gift Of Answered Prayers

I have spent the past couple days in almost constant pondering and prayer. If you read my previous post, you know that we were considering and planning a move to Idaho. In brief, here is how things panned out.

Philip called. He knew that he was to quit work and we were to move to Idaho.

I wrote lists, researched, planned and prayed all day. We could either quit or move but not both.

I talked to Philip and said I needed him to work the oil rig for two more months and then I could make Idaho possible. He said he would pray about it. At that point, I knew for certain that we needed to move soon and not quit soon. And Philip knew that we needed to quit and that we would move eventually.

I prayed. I very specifically asked for certain feelings to know for sure which aspects of the plan were right and which were not.

Philip prayed to see if he should work longer for me.

We got our answers. Exactly the way we asked for them.

Philip can work the oil rig up to two more months, for my sake, but he does need out of that environment.
We will be going to Idaho, but it does not have to be right away. The year or so time line is back on the table.
We NEED to go to the temple. There are more answers that await us at the temple.

So, for now. We are facing changes and looking forward to receiving a clearer perspective at the temple. We will work towards finding a different job here and preparing the house to sell.

I have enjoyed this opportunity to work together with my husband and Heavenly Father to deeply seek out answers and His plan for our lives at this time.

I am so grateful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father and the comfort that comes from knowing that He does, indeed, have a plan for my life.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Okay, so I have been feeling a pull to Idaho for some time now. And I knew we would be moving within a year.
This morning my husband called and feels really strongly that that schedule needs to be moved up to like within a month or two.
The scariest part is that it feels right. We do need to move and we need to move SOON!
So, today has become a day of lists and preparing and figuring things out. Yay?!

I'll keep you updated, but as of now, it looks like we are moving. And moving SOON!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Self Realization

Alexis has hit a really fun stage. She has begun to really think a lot about who she is and what makes her who she is.
She spends a lot of time saying things like, "I am just the same as Daddy because..." And a lot of "I really like to do ______ because I am really ______."
She has begun making goals (I will get 12 categories of toys cleaned up by 12:00) and resolutions (two habits I am cutting back on).
She is figuring out who she is. She, luckily, seems to love who she is. She likes for us to acknowledge the traits she sees in herself. She loves to define herself. She has begun to try and decide how those traits will guide her future. She is trying to take the steps to become the type of person she wants to be.
I couldn't be more excited for her! Or more surprised by how much she is growing. I sure do love that girl!

I sure do love all these kiddos!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I wrote this just before going to sleep last night:

Such an exciting day, as I feel that many things are falling into place. We met with our midwife today. She had answers for all of my concerns about a homebirth. And we feel confident in proceeding with the plan. I am excited and have such a thirst to learn and grow and do more. I want this to be my best pregnancy and delivery yet. And I think it will easily be my best postpartum. We are going to work on my diet and lifestyle to help eliminate the chances for depression. If I could figure out how not to get depressed after each one, I may never stop having babies.
I am excited to think of the learning opportunities this presents for my family and especially for my daughters. They seem to be interested in being around for the birth and I am excited to share the event with my family.
Another thing that is falling into place is our family bed room. So many of us crave a family bed. I used to always lie down with the girls and read and sing and talk to help them sleep. Lately all of my kids have been asking to have me with them while they fall asleep as Philip is away. So, we are back to one room for sleep and one for play. Tonight I laid with them and read six chapters of the book, Holes. So, we not only get the closeness of being together, but we get in good reading time too. And, once the reading is done I get to come out and enjoy time and space either to myself or with Philip.
There is still a lot of work to do and a lot of progress to make. But the life we are creating becomes more beautiful every day.
I thank the Lord for all He has blessed our lives with. Every day I am filled with gratitude to have these kids in my life. I hope that as we continue to declutter and minimize things our love and joy will continue to expand and our peace will continue to be magnified.