Thursday, November 29, 2012

Boys Vs. Girls: A Story About Whining

I love learning about and seeing the differences between my girls and my boys. I have two of each (which, by the way does not mean we are done having kids- as many people seem to think even genders should). I grew up with only sisters and, though I was close to male cousins, I didn't have much experience with what boys are like. I am glad I had my girls first so that I could become more comfortable with parenting before being given the trial-blessing of parenting a boy.
There are several things that all of my kids do, but the different genders do it differently; one of these is whining.
My boys whine- even my 3 month old, when things aren't the way he wants them, will let me know by whining. But nothing compares to the dramatic whining of a tired young girl. Here is a sampling of the horrible things that plagued my girls on the way home yesterday:

"I am NOT doing anything. I'm just sitting here crying!"
"My teeth NEVER get loose!"
"You have CURLY hair!"
"I want to get a package!"
"I'm gonna kick you out of the family" and "you are not my sister anymore!"
"I'll let you push me but only if you promise to be kind"

Now reread that in the loudest, whiniest voice you can imagine.

That is the joy of having tired girls.

What are some of your favorite gender differences?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Half A Month Of Gratitude

I love the thought of counting your blessings. I love best that once you start to count them, they quickly overflow. I sometimes have a hard time coming up with one or two things I am grateful for, but after that I quickly come up with several. So I decided that this month I would count my blessings; blessings for each day of the month it is. I've finished 15 days. That is 120 blessings. I've loved counting them. I will copy them from facebook here. Enjoy! What are some of your blessings? Have you ever sat and counted them?

1- I am very grateful to be alive and to have life at this time.
2- I am grateful that I am easily able to nurse my babies. I am also grateful that they wean and I can be done breastfeeding them.
3-  I am thankful for all the times my kids smile. I am grateful that they feel emotions so strongly. I am grateful they are learning to express those emotions.
4- I am thankful for prayer and answers to prayer. I am grateful for an understanding of the role I serve and my husband serves in our marriage. I am grateful that Philip works so hard to provide for his family. I am grateful ( beyond my capacity to express) that I am able to be home with my children to care for and raise them.
5- today is too easy, five things I am grateful for; Philip, Alexis, Emily, Johnathon, and William.
6-  gratitude today will be focused on things I am grateful to Philip for ( cause its still his bday here). I am grateful that Philip does his "chores" ( things like scraping the windshields and taking the trash and filling the gas tank). I am grateful that Philip teaches me about the things he is interested in and does so without making me feel unintelligent. I am grateful that Philip listens
to me and has helped me overcome my depression. I am grateful that Philip let's me plan the rest of my life even though we both know things won't go as planned and then helps me deal with plans changing. I am grateful that Philip makes choices based on what is best for his family. I am grateful that Philip makes me smile. I love my husband!
7- I'm not in a very grateful mood tonight, and that is why I am so happy to do this. I am grateful that I have so much. I am grateful for good friends. I am grateful for internet and the chance it gives me to interact beyond these four walls. I am grateful for prayer. I am grateful for a running vehicle. I am grateful for heat. I am grateful for indoor plumbing. Wow! That was a much quicker seven than I thought it would be. See, once you start counting blessings it exponentially grows.
8- I am grateful that Philip has loving parents who have accepted me as part of their family. I am grateful that my parents are awesome and love Philip too. I am grateful that all of our parents are such great grandparents and show such love and care for my kiddos. I am grateful that I was raised by such wonderful parents, who sacrificed so much for me. I am grateful that I have been taught good values. I am grateful that I have so many examples of good parenting to look up to. I am grateful for my sisters (that includes you Emily). I am grateful to be close to my sisters, they are some of my very best friends!
9- I am grateful for eternal families. I am grateful that mom and dad came to visit. I am grateful for vehicles that get us so easily from one place to another. I am grateful for forgiveness. I am grateful for medicine. I am grateful to be able to learn more about using essential oils to improve our health. I am grateful for things that push my comfort zone. I am grateful for technology that allows me to capture moments in my children's lives. I am grateful for the art of swaddling survivng the generations to be used for my babies.
10- I am very tired, so ten things may be hard. I am grateful for 1. My extended family 2. That I got to grow up close to so many of my cousins 3. That I am learning skills to help me not give in to depression. 4. That placenta really does prevent post partum depression. 5. That I have such great friends. 6. That I'm able to keep in touch with friends that I don't live near anymore. 7. That I have obtained an education. 8. That said education helps me understand my children. 9. That I am not alone in caring for my children. 10. I'm grateful for blankets and pillows.
11-  Today I am grateful that I have a deeper understanding of what being a veteran means. I am grateful for all those who fought for our country's freedom. I am grateful for those who have left their families to go and fight for a cause. I am grateful for the families of those that leave (I have a deep sense of respect for those women who let their husbands leave at a time when they couldn't communica
te with them the way I get to with Philip). I am grateful for those who have sacrificed their lives for a good cause and/or with good intentions. I am grateful that we can look forward to a world of peace. I am grateful to Philip for joining the army when, and for what purpose, he did. I am grateful for the lessons that we have learned from separation. I am grateful that I have always been able to be reunited with my husband. I am grateful that Philip is protected while he is away. I am grateful for all of you that keep us in your prayers- we feel the power of those prayers.
12-  12 things- so my friend challenged me to think of five things about myself that I am thankful for. Since I am doing 12 instead of five, I will be straying from her intentions some. Heavenly Father has given each of His children such great potential here are some things that He has given me and helped me develop: 1. My body- which I love and is healthy and good at doing its jobs. 2. a mind that has
a capacity to learn and remember. 3. love, I really feel such great love for everyone I am glad that has always been easy for me. ability to understand how people are feeling- this one could use more work, but I usually get people. 5. contentment, I don't often need much to feel happy. 6. The companionship of the Holy Ghost- I couldn't be me or do the things I do without this one. 7. a trusting nature 8. a sure testimony and easy acceptance for truth 9. foresight and an ability to learn from others' examples 10. a sense of humor -that one may be more from my mom, I surely am a carla jr. when it comes to what is and isn't funny. 11. a high pain tolerance- I am hoping this one rings true for tomorrow's tooth removal and recovery 12. an ability to listen to people
13- apparently getting my wisdom teeth pulled and being on narcotics caused me to skip a day :(
14- Nov. 14- I am grateful for gender and being a girl. I am grateful to have my girls and my boys- to experience being a mother to both genders. I am grateful that my girls came first. I am grateful to be able to learn about gender so tha
t I can better understand my husband (there's nothing wrong with him, he's just a boy). I am grateful for toys and games that please my kids. I am grateful for maps and gps. I am grateful that my parents were able to come out and return home safely and for all that they did while they were here. I am grateful for my ability to see. I am grateful for glasses that help with that. I am grateful for organ donors. I am grateful that dad has been able to receive his kidneys. I am grateful for the law of opposition. I am grateful for hunger and satisfaction. I am grateful for soft foods that don't hurt my teeth (tooth sockets, actually).
15- Patience. I was grateful that my family is forgiving of me when I lose mine. I am grateful for the free bookshelves we got off craigslist. I am grateful for the means to organize and put things in order. I am grateful for homeschooling. I am grateful for the craft and teaching supplies we have. I am grateful for my stand mixer. I am grateful for cupcake liner
s. I am grateful for google image searches (I could not be nearly as "creative" without it). I am grateful that I can teach my kids to clean and to value cleanliness. I am grateful nobody in my family freaks out when things don't stay clean. I am grateful for libraries. I am grateful for library drop-boxes. I am grateful for carseats and seat belts. I am grateful that Mir gets up with the kids in the morning on days that I can't.
and who knew it would take me 4 days to copy and paste these to the blog. here are a few more...
16- I am grateful for shopping carts. I am grateful for kindness from strangers. I am grateful for creativity. I am grateful to be able to create for my kids (in specific). I am grateful to witness the bond between my kids and their dad. I am grateful for Mir and her non-breastmilk smell (William somewhat takes a pacifier from her). I am grateful for vacuum cleaners. I am grateful for soap. I am grateful for a washing machine. I am grateful for fast food restaurants. I am grateful for bank (debit) cards. I am grateful for online bill pay. I am grateful for hot glue guns. I am grateful for mouse traps. I am grateful for cribs. I am grateful for scriptures.
17- can't find this one either.
18-  It's not even yet halfway through this day and my heart is overflowing with gratitude. I am grateful for diapers that hold in messes. I am grateful for a comfortable hoodie. I am grateful for breakthrough conversations with Philip- for communicating. I am grateful for the scripture stories and lessons they teach. I am grateful to know that God is my Heavenly Father. I am grateful to know that He l
oves me. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost and being able to feel the love the Godhead has for me. I am grateful for church and a strong ward family. I am grateful for the primary children. I am grateful that they share their sweet and pure testimonies. I am grateful for the leaders in our church. I am grateful for those who serve with love. I am grateful for hymns- especially primary songs that teach and celebrate such wonderful truths of the gospel. I am grateful for my Savior. I am grateful for the atonement. I am grateful to be able to reflect on my Savior during sacrament. I am grateful that William finished nursing in time for me to be able to take the sacrament. I am grateful for the peace that comes from righteous doing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

October Crafting

We did some really fun crafts this October. The house guest friends joined in.

I made a skirt for me and leggings for the baby.

 We colored small pumpkins. That turned into rollers.

We carved large pumpkins.

We made Jack o'lantern snow globes.

And we made our costumes for trunk or treat.

Months Two And Three Photo Shoots

Here are months two and three. Love seeing this boy grow!



Happy 25th!

How in the world did my little sister get so old? We are so glad to have Mir out here with us and took her out for her birthday. She chose Logan's. We all loved our food, except for Johnathon, who decided all of his food should be thrown on the floor after he saw Mir drop shells on the floor. Lexi discovered that she loves peanuts! We also stopped at a park on the way home. Oh, and we made Mir a green velvet and brownie cake, made to look like a triceratops.