Thursday, November 29, 2012

Boys Vs. Girls: A Story About Whining

I love learning about and seeing the differences between my girls and my boys. I have two of each (which, by the way does not mean we are done having kids- as many people seem to think even genders should). I grew up with only sisters and, though I was close to male cousins, I didn't have much experience with what boys are like. I am glad I had my girls first so that I could become more comfortable with parenting before being given the trial-blessing of parenting a boy.
There are several things that all of my kids do, but the different genders do it differently; one of these is whining.
My boys whine- even my 3 month old, when things aren't the way he wants them, will let me know by whining. But nothing compares to the dramatic whining of a tired young girl. Here is a sampling of the horrible things that plagued my girls on the way home yesterday:

"I am NOT doing anything. I'm just sitting here crying!"
"My teeth NEVER get loose!"
"You have CURLY hair!"
"I want to get a package!"
"I'm gonna kick you out of the family" and "you are not my sister anymore!"
"I'll let you push me but only if you promise to be kind"

Now reread that in the loudest, whiniest voice you can imagine.

That is the joy of having tired girls.

What are some of your favorite gender differences?

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