Saturday, May 21, 2011

This Deployment

If this deployment were a baby it would be eating solid foods, mimicking and babbling, and following simple instructions. This deployment would have mastered pincher grasp and would be getting around in a variety of ways.

We hung a daddy chain in November (we take a link off everyday to get closer to being with Daddy again).

This is our daddy chain now!

This is our first deployment; very new and different then anything we've ever done before. When a solider (dad, husband, friend, son) deploys, he faces a new and different world. His family continues in their world in a unfamiliar way.
We had to learn how to live our daily lives, muddle through our typical routines without daddy. The girls (and I) have trouble sleeping.
They developed odd anxieties and fears. DTE is now afraid of being abandoned in public places (such as the grocery store), if she looses sight of me she takes off to begin a frantic search. DTY has separation anxiety any time I leave the house (something she had outgrown long ago).
My girls worry about Daddy's safety.
I had to learn to parent on my own, to make family decisions without consulting my husband, to keep my emotions in check for the sake of my family.
I had to persevere through a pregnancy, labor & delivery, and that rough first month with a newborn without my best friend by my side.
TLOML has missed his girls' birthdays, Christmas and their typical every days.
He has still not met or held his only boy.

Even with all of this (as can be said for most trials) this deployment has blessed our lives in so many ways. We have grown as a family and as individuals.

My girls have learned that even when Daddy is far away, he still loves us and we are still a family.
They have learned to pray for the well-being and protection of others.
They have learned how to answer a skype call (run and push the green button!)
I have bonded with my son (who I was terrified of, I don't know how to raise a BOY)
I have found an emotional strength I didn't know I could have. I am no longer overly sensitive and can better handle my emotions.
I have learned to pray and accept the blessings of the atonement for comfort in my life.
I have recognized how to accept my limits- I can be okay with not being able to do everything myself, and can still step up and take care of the things I must do on my own.
TLOML has learned about himself and his own emotions
TLOML has experienced new people, a different culture, and has seen more of the world.
We have learned what is important and what to "let go"
We have gained a greater appreciation for each other- for our family unit- for the blessings of an eternal family
We have learned how to grow together through growing closer to our Heavenly Father.

I am grateful for my husband and all that he does to support and protect our family. This deployment has been hard, but I am grateful for all that it has taught us. Mostly, I am grateful for how short our daddy chain is and how soon he will be home again!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Meet My Family

And then, there is Me

I don't even know how to begin to tell you about myself. Let's see... I am happy and loving. I love people, and knowing people love me makes me happy. I love to learn and to teach. I am living my dream! I have always wanted children, and now I have 3. I am so in love with my husband and truly can not believe I got such a perfect match for me. I get to be a stay-at-home mom and spend all of my time with my kids (I am so sad when they leave me for school). I have the coolest camera and am learning to use it. I love pictures and scrapbooking. I love making and keeping memories! While there are things I would change, I could not be happier with my life!
The thing that brings me the greatest joy in my life is KNOWING that I am a child of God. I know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and has a plan for me. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and understands my needs and feelings. I am blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, to guide my life and comfort me. I could not be a wife or a mother without this knowledge. I could not be ME without it. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life!

So, this is us. I love us, and I love the things we do and say. I want to keep better record of these things, so I started this blog. With it I hope to preserve my memories and thoughts for my children, and their children. My goal for this blog is to write at least 3 times a week. Hopefully as my family reads this they will see how much I love them and care about them. I look forward to having this record of our family's growth. Thank you for reading!

Meet My Family

Next is The Boy (TB)

TB was my birthday present, born in March 2011. I was very nervous to have a boy. I have only sisters and had two daughters, how was I to raise a boy?! I fell in love with having a son shortly after he was born. I realized that it was my turn, Daddy had gone on several daddy-daughter dates. I would get to take my son on dates, and raise him to be a gentleman. I am so happy to have a boy!
TB is a great baby! He likes to eat, and sleep, and communicate with me. He is a lazy eater and wants me to be his pacifier (and although he has a strong suck reflex- he refuses all other pacifiers). He sleeps well, but only if he is swaddled, and usually only if he is in motion (his swing is his favorite). Lately he has begun to smile. This, of course, melts my heart! He and I will face each other and talk. Then I will ask him if he is going to smile for his momma and, sure enough, a huge grin breaks out! He has also begun cooing to me, but he listens more than he talks.
Although TB doesn't have the red hair I had wished he would have, he is absolutely perfect! We are all happy for this new addition and new experience in our lives!

Meet My Family

Next we have Daughter The Younger (DTY)

DTY was born November 2007. She has always reminded me of myself. DTY is all about quietness. When she meets new people she is shy and hesitant. When she wants to do something she shouldn't she sneaks it. She quietly gets her way. When I would hang out with friends, I would tell her to go play with the kids. Then after a while I would realize she was sitting in my lap. She understands that if she doesn't make a scene, she can do more of what she wants.
DTY is a very loving girl. She seems to understand people and how they work. She loves taking care of and mothering her siblings. She is very direct about what she wants to do, she will even scold me for not letting her be the one to change diapers. She absolutely loves getting her brother to smile at her. She has the "mother tone" down and uses this strict tone to boss others around.
DTY also wants to be a princess when she grows up. She wants five kids and 1-2-3-4 babies. She wants to live in a far away castle. A huge castle in Inny-anna (Indiana). She most looks forward to having a baby when she grows up.
I love DTY so much! Her determination and love are a great asset to our family!

Meet My Family

Next is Daughter The Eldest (DTE)

DTE was born May 25, 2006. I can not believe she is almost five already! DTE has always been curious, from the day she was born she has been watching the world and learning. She likes to ask questions. Often as we are driving down the street she will ask us to spell things for her. She loves to sing! In primary she sings the loudest and knows almost all of the words. DTE learns quickly and remembers everything.
DTE is very kind and loving. She likes making new friends and plays well with others. One of DTE's favorite things is when we sit down together for dinner and say thank you to or something nice about everyone at the table. She always asks if she can go first.
DTE wants to be princess when she grows up. She wants as many kids as Heavenly Father wants her to have, which she thinks is ten. She would like to live somewhere far away from here when she grows up (far away in Indiana). She also looks forward to having a phone with games.
I love DTE so very much! She is such a blessing and a challenge in my life. I learn so much from her and from being her mom.

Meet My Family

Hello, thanks for visiting. Let me begin by introducing you to my family.
First, The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life (TLOML) and I met in Rexburg, ID in 2005. We first met when he came to a church activity with his ex-girlfriend (she brought him to our FHE group). Then, in February, my roommate invited him over to play guitar with her at our house. After that he began hanging out every day. I remember seeing him at church one time-before I really knew him, and falling in love with his smile. He was wearing a ridiculously crazy, tye-dye hat and was so happy! Still to this day, I picture his smile first any time I think of him.
TLOML and I began dating a couple weeks after he started hanging out. I am sure I confused the poor boy, telling him one day that I couldn't wait to make valentine's cards for our grandkids, and the next day telling him I was not interested in dating any one for a LONG time. He stuck with me and by April we were engaged.
In October 2005, I was married to TLOML. Now- less than 6 years later- we have 3 kids, a steady job, and are more in love than ever!
TLOML is a great guy! He loves so many things and patiently teaches me about all of them. He has an amazing talent for music. I truly believe he can pick up any instrument and play it instantly. I love when he plays songs specifically for me on his guitar. He also loves off-roading, playing with his R/C cars, and upgrading all of his hobbies.
He is a wonderful father! The girls love going on daddy daughter dates with him, and love when he plays with them. He helps me to stay calm, and is so much more consistent than I could ever be as a parent! He is excited to have a son. The Boy loves hearing Daddy's voice and listens to it so intensely (one of the only deep voices he hears- he is otherwise surrounded by girls).
Just over 2 years ago, TLOML joined the Army. It was a scary choice but one I am glad that we made. He is currently on his first deployment and we miss him like crazy! The army made him shave off all of his beautiful, curly hair- this has been the saddest part of our army life. Well, maybe not the saddest, but I still miss his curls! Almost as much as I miss him. I love you TLOML!