Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hair Cuts

My girls went through a hair cutting stage. About every other week or so, one of them would cut part of their hair. I knew they were old enough to use scissors responsibly, so I made a decision. I let them know that the next time somebody cut their own hair, I was going to cut it all to the length of the shortest piece they cut. I also made it clear that it was their hair, if they did not want it to be long it did not have to be long. I would cut their hair, or take them to get their hair cut any time they let me know they wanted it shorter. I reminded them of our new rule regularly at first, and occasionally as a reminder. Then, one day, I walked into the other room and saw a pile of hair on the floor. Emily had cut her hair (we talked to her about it, to make sure she had cut it herself, and to be sure she knew the consequence that was to come). So, we cut her hair.

At first she was okay. Then she cried. Then she was okay. If it weren't for a flower hair clip, I think she would have been devastated for much longer that she looks like a boy. So here it is, her hair cut pictures.

Before the cut
Her own cut
All the length of the shortest she cut it to
With the flower clip- now it's not as bad.

Because Boys Really Are Different Than Girls

When I was young, and knew everything- I had a plan. SEVERAL plans actually! But one of my favorite things to plan, and therefore, one of my most detailed plans involved my children. I would have my first child by the time I was 20. I would continue to have children every 18 months, until all 12 children were born. None of my pregnancies would be multiples- so I would be finished having children before my 37th birthday (at the latest- ideally, I would start at 18). I would have a son first- and by the end I would have 7 girls and 5 boys. I had their names all chosen (except for the last name- that changed based on my crushes or boyfriends).
Then, reality hit! (or maybe I should call this "I grew up"- but I'm not so sure how true that is). I got pregnant when I was 20. Almost right away my oldest sister asked me what gender I thought the baby would be- and I knew. "oh no! It's a GIRL!" I knew things were not going to go according to what I had planned and I knew that would begin with the fact that I was pregnant with a girl. It's not that I didn't want a girl. I wanted lots of girls, I just wanted a boy first. I wanted my children to have an older brother. I needed to have a boy first. But, instead I had a girl. Then I had another girl. And my plan changed. I could do the girl thing. I realized that the girl thing is what I had spent my life preparing for. I had all sisters. I mostly had only girl friends. I AM a girl! I understood girls. I like the way they work. I could be a mom to a girl. I could be a mom to several girls (by now, I am thinking 5 girls, no boys). Again, reality hit!
It's a boy! I was going to have a boy. I was honestly terrified! I don't know how to be a mom to boys- and, furthermore, I don't WANT to be a mom to boys. Boys are scary! I just wanted to keep having my girls.

Well, the boy is almost 11 months old now. I am no longer afraid of being his mom. I feel like I should be able to handle most things nearly as well as I will be able to do for my girls. But I am realizing more and more that boys really are different than girls! (I could get into- but wont get into- the nature vs. nurture arguments. Suffices to say there is a natural difference between boys and girls that has nothing to do with how they are raised.) I thought I would share some ways I have seen that my boy is different than my girls. (not just personality- in that sense all of my kids are different)

MEAT- This one started even in pregnancy. I have never wanted a cow so badly as I did throughout the pregnancy with my son. I am actually not a fan of red meats. Steak is one of my least favorite foods. However, when I was pregnant with the boy it was all I wanted. With my girls, I would introduce it to them along with other foods before they were even a year old. They would try it- but showed no desire to really eat it until much later (one still just doesn't care too much for meat). The boy LOVES meat! If he had his way he would eat about a cow a day! He eats and enjoys several other foods- but growing boys must truly need meat.

Reading/listening to stories- I love to read to my kids. I loved the way my girls would sit near me or cuddle with me and listen to stories over and over and over again. I could make up my own (lame) stories and they would stop what they were doing, look at either me or the book I was reading, and listen to the story. The boy also listens to stories. He also loves books. However, the boy doesn't STOP to listen. He hands me book after book after book, and while I read one, he looks through another one (or pulls a few more off the shelf). He listens as he crawls away. He listens as he bangs toys together. He listens, but only if he also gets to be doing something. Even while lounging in his recliner, he has to be playing with something in order to listen to a story.

Adventures and risks- My girls will have adventures, they are both becoming quite open to taking risks. They will try new things and often enjoy them. But most of these adventures and risks have to either be prompted or encouraged by somebody else. The boy, however, continually seeks out adventures and risks. He is not even walking yet and he pushes every limit he can. He tries to run, and climb, and explore EVERYTHING! While we encouraged the girls to take risks and believe that they can do things, we have to limit the boy for his own safety. I have learned to be proud when my girls take a risk without being prompted or encouraged (like Emi did on the playground today). I have learned to keep a diligent eye on the boy's risky adventures.

The best part is, we have only had the boy for 11 months. We have so much more to learn and experience. I love my girls and I love my boys. I love that my girls are girls. I love that my boy is a boy. I love that I get to see more of what is naturally different between them. I love seeing what is naturally similar between them. What are some differences you have noticed between your boys and your girls?

Personal Identity

I am pretty sure I was in third grade when I first got glasses. I loved them- not because they were cute or nice or anything, but because I could FINALLY see. Since then glasses have been a huge part of who I am. I tried out contacts for a while, but I wasn't a big fan. Well, I got new glasses this year for the first time in 6 years. My reflection still catches me off guard. I went with a very different look this time than what I have had for years. I love them- but I am still getting used to them (after about a month and a half). What do you think? They are so very different!
The new glasses

Previous glasses- had 2006-2012

Contacts- I had regular and colored around 2004-2005

High school glasses -not much different from the ones I just had

Falling Behind

So, the husband and I have been meaning to get all of our pictures organized and all in one spot. So that we could then have them all in one organized back up spot. (have you ever lost pictures because you didn't have them backed up? I was so sad when this happened to us) Anyways, I have been busily trying to sort the pictures lately, and taking more and more. So busy, that I haven't made time to write the many blogs I have been wanting to write. But at least I can report that my pictures are currently sorted into 14 main folders and most of the duplicates have been deleted. And now, to put these pictures to use- and blog!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yummy Veggie Pot Pie!

So, last night I wanted to make some chicken pot pie for dinner- but it was getting late and I didn't feel like looking up a recipe or cooking chicken. So the husband and I decided to do something a little different instead. We made our own version of veggie pot pies. There are a couple of things (mistakes) that we learned from. So rather than telling you those I will tell you how we should have done it. I am mostly doing this so I will remember- otherwise I will never be able to make this meal again.

Ignore the messy stove top please.
pie crusts (we used great value's ready made crust- 6 total)
4 cans cream of chicken soup
chicken broth (we used most of a 32 oz. container)
4-6 medium sized potatoes
1 bag frozen peas/carrots
1 bag frozen corn
garlic salt
(you could use other seasonings to taste- these are just the ones the husband chose to add)

First you peel and cut the potatoes into bite sized pieces.
Then you cook potatoes in chicken broth. While they are cooking get your crust and veggies out to thaw.
Once potatoes are about 85-90% done you add the veggies to the potatoes. Continue to heat.
Add seasoning and cream of chicken soup. Allow it all to heat- stirring occasionally.
While it is heating, prepare your pie crusts in pans. We used 2 pie tins and 12 muffin tin spots (we sprayed the muffin tin first).
Divide the filling between the crusts. (we used 1/4 cup for the muffin sized pies and just filled the others until they seemed full).
Place top crusts on pies (we didn't have top crusts on muffins)
We baked ours at 450 for 11-13 min. according to the crust instructions, however, we think it would work better to reduce the heat and increase the cooking time. It needs to cook until the crust is cooked- the filling is already cooked.
We ate our muffins that night and prepped the pies for freezing. I have not yet used these- so I am not sure how well they will work. I plan to allow them to thaw overnight and then bake them to heat them (I will have already cooked them). This part is still experimenting.

They lifted easily out of the muffin tin. Seemed to be a good serving size.
Anyways, these were DELICIOUS!!!! We all had seconds. My pickiest eater (who hates potatoes and peas) was the first to ask for seconds and she ate both muffin pies completely (without picking pieces out). I am so glad we have the pies frozen to use again soon. If you try it, let me know what you think. I love it when dinner experiments turn out so good!

Monday, February 6, 2012


I love it! Alexis has begun to regularly use the word accelerating. It all began when she would worriedly ask if Dad was speeding while driving. She always asked any time he sped up. So we explained to her the difference between speeding (going over the speed limit) and accelerating (increasing your speed). Today Philip got a new car and took the girls for a ride around the block. She came home and told me all about the ride, "He was going so fast! And he kept accelerating!" She just came in from riding her bike and let me know that she kept accelerating and going in circles. I love that she has made this word part of her daily vocabulary and is learning to use it correctly.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our New Typical Day

The first of the month not only sneaked up on me- it sneaked right past me! Sorry I missed my first of the month post. So, I will instead post a second of the month post.
The thing is, we haven't been doing anything really spectacular. We are busy- but mostly just busy living our daily lives. So I figured that is what I will post about. Our daily lives.

I recently read a friend's blog and loved this idea. We had to try it. Our first version got ripped to pieces and spread across the kids room. I redid the lists and put them in page protectors before hanging them. The girls are able to complete their list and check off their jobs with a dry erase marker when they complete them. In addition to a morning list, I created afternoon and evening lists. I also made a list of the steps to completing their chores. It took us about a week to get it down- but now it is running smoothly for us. With the pregnancy, this couldn't have come to our lives at a better time. I can take care of what I need to take care of for me and the girls take care of themselves. It is slightly hard having them be so independent- my babies are no longer babies- they are growing up so rapidly!

So, here is what our day looks like-
Sometime between 4-5: Philip wakes up, gets ready for work, gives me a foot massage, makes the boy a bottle, and leaves.
Sometime between 5:30-6:30: the girls wake up and run into my room. I tell them to start on their checklist. They start with making their beds and getting dressed. The boy eventually wakes up- they run in to say good morning to him- give him toys and leave.
Sometime between 6:30-7:00: I know that I can't lie in bed and listen to the boy play with his door and light any more. I drag myself from bed and go to the boy. I change him and bring him to my room. We do our morning scriptures (song, scriptures, prayer). Then we all come out and eat breakfast (sometimes the girls do this part without me- based on how long it takes me to drag myself from bed).
Until about 9:00- the kids eat, brush teeth/hair, clear the table, put away clean clothes, unload the dishwasher and do home school. I take care of the boy, get on facebook (and other online stuff), help with morning chores, and help with home school. Anytime the girls get distracted I just remind them of their checklist and they are back on track. On the days I am feeling really sick- I can help them mostly from the couch (like with yesterday's sinus headache).
Between 9 and 11: The boy takes at least a little nap. The girls finish their checklist and have "free time" they usually play on the computer and watch movies. They also like to play outside and in their room. They LOVE to do crafts- yesterday we all painted together.

11:00- Afternoon list begins- I start working on lunch and the girls start their list. They clean their room. Eat lunch. Clean the dining/home school room. They clean up their mess in the living room and they clean their bathroom. I help with their chores as needed and do my chores (living room/hallway/laundry/take care of Nater/ etc.). We all have reading time. I let them each pick a book that I read to them- then we all read on our own. Reading time last at least a half hour. Usually I have the girls lie down to read- so their bodies can have a rest time. Nater naps. Once reading time is done they again have "free time" I usually use this time to read myself into a nap.

3:00- Evening list begins- for me at least- I make dinner. Around 4 the girls start their evening list. Cleaning up toys, eating, bathing, preparing for bed. We put Nater to bed around 5 something and have scriptures and prayer when Daddy gets home. Then the girls go to bed around 6 something.

These list have been WONDERFUL for us. VERY motivating for the girls and very stress-reducing for me. I find more time to play with my kids and enjoy them- rather than feeling like I fight with them all the time. Our house is generally cleaner (though the pregnant nose and my kitchen do not get along). The girls are learning to work before play. They love the freedom of play time and not being told to do something when they want to be playing. It has been the system that has worked best for us! I also love that it is really flexible.

That is about it. That's all we are doing. We will be busy here in a while- buying a 2nd car and (hopefully) adding stairs to our deck.