Thursday, October 27, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We bought a house! I know, crazy huh? I was really worried about it at first- it's such a HUGE step. But we knew it was right for us and it was time. Our house is just under 1300 sq. ft. with an unfinished garage/basement (currently a man-cave, also our "room to grow"). It is 3 bed, 2 bath and on 3/4 acres :) It is perfect for us. We are still unpacking and cleaning, so I don't have pictures of every room yet but I will post what I have so far. We are loving our house and making it our own. Enjoy the mini tour.
The main/kid bathroom. 

The dining/homeschool room. Eventually it'll have hard floors



Master Bed and bath.

LOVE all my space
And all my storage

So I can craft while the kids play ;)

More to come soon.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Travels And New Adventures

I feel like I've lived 3 months in the past 3 weeks. We have been busy, busy, busy!!! Our boxes and furniture were picked up and put on the moving truck on the third- then we had to clean up before we could head out. (I don't know what we would've done without our dear friend that not only helped clean- but kept my kids several times for us to get things done and let us stay with her. Thanks Gen!)
We left the morning of the fifth and before we were even two hours out we had two vomits and my husband  had a rough encounter with a wind blown door. It was a rough start, with a lot of stress and contention. But we took care of things the best we could and kept on trucking.
The whole drive was scheduled to be 19 hours. We planned on the first day being our long day (9 hours) and breaking up the rest over two shorter days. We ended up pushing through to get here (and out of that car) in just two days. I think I drove for maybe an hour or two the whole trip (TLOML likes to do the driving and car rides put me to sleep). We made it!!!! After jumping from one hotel to the next (because they were horrible) we were reminded of temporary lodging on post. AWESOME!!!!!!!
Now to find a place to live. This presented a bit of a problem. Before we were paying our rent, utilities and had left overs from our BAH (BAH is the money that military families receive for housing expenses). Now- to get the rooms and sq. footage we would need- we would be exceeding our BAH. We had looked in to living on post-but that waiting list was too long. We  checked out some rentals- but they just weren't right for us. I knew though, that things would work out the way they were supposed to. That is why, when the option to buy presented itself- it felt just right.
And so, we are buying a house. I called some friends and family and asked their advice and opinions on house buying and prepared myself for an emotional roller coaster. Instead, everything fell into place almost instantly. We viewed a handful of houses and then came to one our realtor had suggested- it was love at first sight! Instantly TLOML and I wanted this to be our home- there was really only one thing keeping it from being perfect for us, and that is fairly easily fixed (I want to move the laundry room). Our luck continued as the buyer quickly agreed to allow us to do an early move-in (that day) in exchange for fixing the things found in inspection (9 things- 7 of which TLOML had fixed in less than an hour and less than $50 later). Not only did the house fall perfectly into place, our stuff arrived an hour after we had the keys to move in. It was meant to be!
So, that is what we've been doing. We are now working on unpacking and getting back on a schedule. TLOML has another week off work and then life should fall back into a "new normal"

By the way, we LOVE our realtor. He is a great guy and really worked hard to find what we wanted. He was in NO way pushy and never tried to "sell us" on what he thought we would like. He listened to us, spent time with us, and then searched to find us our perfect match. I would HIGHLY recommend him to anyone who is looking for a house in this area. Check him out here-

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Six Months

TB is six months old (has been for a few days now- but life is crazy busy)! I love going back and seeing how much he has grown and changed. Each of these pictures was taken as close as possible to the a new month of age. 
One Month
TB eats breastmilk, formula, baby food, and some solid foods. His favorites are peas and cheerios.
Two months

TB likes to talk and babble. He loves having conversations with each of his family members.

Three months
TB can crawl. He is a belly-dragger. He lays with his belly on the ground and arms and legs in the air. Then he thrusts his arms down and pulls himself forward. He doesn't like to have to crawl- but will go full speed if he thinks he will be able to get his hands on electronics.
Four months

 TB sits up on his own for long periods of time. 
He stands when you hold his hands. He loves to jump in his jumper. 
Five months

We have been so blessed to have TB in our lives! We love having a son/brother.
Happy half-birthday to my baby boy!

Six months

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Well Baby/ Well Child

The kids all had doctor's appointments the other day. Everyone is doing well; healthy and growing. 

DTE is 44 lbs. and 44 in. (she frequently matches up this way- last year she was 40/40) 
She has lost a total of 5 (+2 pulled by dentist) teeth- one just last night. 
She loves to run and be active.

DTY is 37 lbs. and 41.5 in.
She is almost as tall as her sister and tries hard to do everything her sister can do. 
She enjoys doing push ups, jumping jacks and sit ups 
(which we have them do when they  need a quick burn off of extra energy)

TB is 16 lbs. and 26 in. He is a very active baby and loves to play!

And the girls lucked out and didn't need any shots. TB, however, had two and was NOT happy about it!

Passing The Time

This is what our house looks like...
As you may guess, it is a pretty boring place to be. So we are trying to have fun elsewhere, as much as possible.

Yesterday, we had doctor's appointments. But first we stopped by an awesome playground.


Afterwards, we decided to take an unplanned mountain trip. We love the mountain and will miss our mountain trips. (I got a great dose of the fall colors I have been longing for)

Perfect tree to snap a quick picture!

 We ended the evening with dinner at a friend's house and played games with them late into the night. It was a great day!
TB decided to eat my chin for dinner.